St. Jude
Thaddeus Parish
614 Pine St. Essexville MI 48732
The pastoral council provides consultation to the pastor through recommendations founded in the parish mission statement and vision fostering pastoral activity. The council does not serve as a board of directors or a legislative body. Council membership is a ministry. Essential to any ministry is that it is a response to the Lord's call, that it is for the sake of others not oneself or one's personal point of view and that it is arrived at through a process of discernment.
As a standing commission of the parish council, the faith formation commission is advisory and consultative to the pastor and director of faith formation in matters pertaining to religious education/formation for all ages, youth ministry, sacramental preparation, family ministry, and Catholic school education. Responsibilities include research learning and planning, assistance in formation of programs and service, communications between pastor, staff and the parish community, and linkage to the other principle ministries of worship and Christian service.
The administration commission advocates sound management practices and is responsible for resource development, budget preparation and review, overall fiscal accountability, buildings and grounds, etc. It is a standing committee of the parish council and is responsible for assisting the Pastor in the administration of the parish’s material resources.
Christian Service Commission serves to empower the parish community to fulfill the gospel mandate of service and justice. Christian service reflects our belief in the dignity of each person from conception to natural death. As we serve others, we are enriched in Faith as members of the One Body of Christ. Every baptized Christian is called to fulfill the gospel mandate. The Christian Service Commission members are not responsible to do the entire social ministry themselves, but, as Disciples of Christ, to lead, empower and involve others in actively accepting the responsibility of baptism.
The parish liturgy/worship commission serves as a standing commission of the parish council. This commission is consultative and advisory to the parish liturgist/music director and to the pastor/pastoral administrator in matters pertaining to the liturgical life of the parish. Areas affected by the work of the commission include music, art and environment, liturgical ministries – lectors, greeters, altar servers, Eucharistic ministers, ushers, and sacristans. Responsibilities of this commission include: input to planning and preparation of liturgies; formation, training and scheduling of liturgical ministers; formation of the assembly; and ongoing evaluation of parish liturgies.
The Parish Stewardship Commission serves as a standing Commission of the Parish Pastoral Council. This Commission is advisory and consultative to the pastor and collaborates with all other commissions and committees of the parish to ensure the ongoing life-long education, formation, conversion and facilitation of stewardship as a way of life within the lives of individual parishioners and the parish as a whole.
If you are interested in becoming involved in any of these ministries or would like more detailed information, please contact
Deacon Tim Hartwig
Director of Parish Life
(989) 894-2701 ext. 110.