St. Jude
Thaddeus Parish
614 Pine St. Essexville MI 48732
The Finance Commission is a consultative body that provides advice and recommendations to the Pastor concerning the stewardship of the parish's fiscal resources. This includes long-range financial planning to support the mission of the parish. The finance commission advocates sound management practices and is responsible for resource development, budget preparation and review, and overall fiscal accountability as well as maintaining the parish building, grounds, and equipment.
Finance Commission Member
The Finance Commission works with the pastor and parish staff along with other commission member in regards to the administration for the parish 's material resources. They create long and short-term financial goals for the parish. Time commitment is 1.5 hours for monthly meeting and special meeting as required to complete budgetary tasks and planning.
Budget Subcommittee
This subcommittee takes on the important task of reviewing the overall budget of the parish with its various components. Expected collections and revenue versus expenses for upcoming year are all considered. Time commitment varies throughout the year.