St. Jude
Thaddeus Parish
614 Pine St. Essexville MI 48732
The parish liturgy/worship commission serves as a standing commission of the parish council. This commission is consultative and advisory to the parish liturgist/music director and to the pastor/pastoral administrator in matters pertaining to the liturgical life of the parish. Areas affected by the work of the commission include music, arts and environment, liturgical ministries – lectors, greeters, altar servers, Eucharistic ministers, ushers, and sacristans. Responsibilities of this commission include: input to planning and preparation of liturgies; formation, training and scheduling of liturgical ministers; formation of the assembly; ongoing evaluation of parish liturgies.
Become part of the Liturgy & Worship Commission that works with the Pastor and parish staff along with the other Commission members to give direction to the parish, Help create long and short-term goals for the parish. Time commitment is 1.5 hour monthly meetings. Other meetings may be needed throughout the year.
This ministry leads the assembly in a variety of musical styles each weekend. The choir members often meet on Wednesday evenings for practice and preparation for special feasts such as Holy Week, Christmas, and Easter. Practices are occasionally held on Sundays before or after Mass. Time commitment varies with season. ALL singers and instrumentalists are welcome. No previous musical experience is required.
Assist the priest during weekend or weekday liturgies as book bearer and assistant at the presentation and preparation of gifts. Parishioners from 3rd Graders to adults are needed for this ministry. Time commitment is rotational.
Many talents are needed to prepare the overall atmosphere in the church. Those interested in decoration and designing the environment, floral arrangements, or related areas are invited to join. Time commitment varies depending on the season. 1 to 2 hours of setting up the environment for holidays and season changes.
Leads singing for liturgical celebrations. Strong music skills are a plus. Vocalists young and old are encouraged to answer the call to this ministry. Cantors are occasionally needed for weddings and funerals. Time commitment is on rotational basis.
Share your voice with the parish. Members are welcome at all Masses. Time commitment varies with practice and performances.
Assists in distributing the Eucharist with prayer, reverence, and dignity. Open to high school youth and adults. Initial and on-going training is provided. Time commitment is rotational.
These ministers are the first to welcome visitors and regular long-term Mass attenders to St. Jude Thaddeus Parish seeing the tone of hospitality and welcoming that our parish strives to have permeate the entire assembly. This important ministry requires a warm smile and friendly manner while handing out worship aids and opening doors for people as needed. Time commitment is on a rotating basis, ministers need to arrive 25 minutes before scheduled Mass time. A great family ministry.
Plays for special feasts such as Christmas and Easter. Open to persons Grade 4 through adult. Training is provided. Time commitment varies with the liturgical season of the year.
If you play other musical instruments and would like to paly during special liturgies or other events, please contact Rose at the parish office. All talents and instruments are welcome. Time commitment is flexible.
Proclaims the first or second reading at Mass. Lectors need a confident speaking voice and a dedication to practice and preparation during the week prior to proclaiming the Word of God. Open to Jr. High and High School students and adults. Initial and occasional training is provided. Time commitment is rotational.
Sacristans greet liturgical ministers as they arrive. The make sure that all is prepared for the liturgy - sets out vessels and bread and wine; makes sure all ministry positions are filled before Mass; locks up the church. Time commitment is about 1.5 hours per mass.
Ushers are another of the ministers of hospitality, welcoming and greeting people who need assistance in finding a seat, the restrooms, etc. Other duties include collection of offerings and help in case of an emergency. They also offer bulletins to parishioners as they leave church and transport collections after mass. This ministry is open to men, women, and youth. Time commitment is approximately 1.5 hours per week when scheduled.